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(Inspections are done on a weekly basis.)
- Visually check exterior of the home for signs of damage, forced entry, etc.
- Test outdoor lighting
- Remove flyers, door hangers, newspapers and general debris as per homeowner's instructions
- Physically inspect home entries and exits, such as doors and windows
- Conduct a general visual check of all interior rooms/spaces
- Check mail and place in home or as per homeowner's instructions
- Check telephone for dial tone and for messages as requested
- Test circuit breaker/fuse panel
- Check indoor temperature and humidity level, adjust as requested
- Check to ensure refrigerators and freezers
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are functioning properly - Reset electric appliances and timers
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due to power outage/surge - Check for signs of insect or
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rodent infestation - Run faucets, showers, baths, toilets to refill traps
- Check hot water tank and air conditioning unit
- Check for visible mold, mildew, plumbing failures, water leaks and flooding
- Adjust indoor/outdoor lighting, blinds, drapes, shutters as requested
- Bring in/take out garbage cans and recycle bins
- Personal acceptance / sign for scheduled deliveries
- Coordinated airport pick up / drop off
- Cleaning services (Provided through an endorsed third party)
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